अपनी दुकान/ऑफिस में Business बढाओ अपने Existing Customers को अतिरिक्त Services प्रदान करके। यदि आप दूकान/ऑफिस, किराना स्टोर, मेडिकल स्टोर, सुपर स्टोर, होटल, रेस्टोरेंट, रिचार्ज मोबाइल शॉप चलाते है व आपके पास Computer+Internet का ज्ञान हैं एंड आप internet का उपयोग व्यापार में जानते है ? तो आज ही DOGMA SOFT LIMITED से जुड़े और अपना व्यापार को बढ़ाये।
An SMS or text Short Code is a five digit number like those used for advertising in press, television and radio. Its ease of use means that people can easily send an SMS message to you by simply texting your Keyword to the SMS Short Code DOGMA 58888. This is a perfect tool for SMS Marketing.
Short codes are widely used for value-added services such as television voting, ordering ringtones, charity donations, and pulling information from application, sales force automation, interactive campaign and various mobile services.
Disclaimer:Images used are property of their respective Brands/company and here are used for information purpose only. Read/Get all the information/documents carefully before joining or utilizing products/services of Dogma Group. Use your own conscious while taking such decisions. Information/images shown herein are properties of their respective brands/companies and may be different from originals/ Incomplete. For info/T&C please visit www.dogmaindia.com. If further inquiry needed contact us at our head office. T&C Apply. Internal Circulation Only