+91 74108-74107

अपनी दुकान/ऑफिस में Business बढाओ अपने Existing Customers को अतिरिक्त Services प्रदान करके। यदि आप दूकान/ऑफिस, किराना स्टोर, मेडिकल स्टोर, सुपर स्टोर, होटल, रेस्टोरेंट, रिचार्ज मोबाइल शॉप चलाते है व आपके पास Computer+Internet का ज्ञान हैं एंड आप internet का उपयोग व्यापार में जानते है ? तो आज ही DOGMA SOFT LIMITED से जुड़े और अपना व्यापार को बढ़ाये।
1. For Fraud-Related Queries:
2. Kindly note that these are personal contact numbers of our employees, and hence should be contacted in Business Working days and working hours only
3. Our customer/partner grievance redressal policy focuses on collecting valuable feedback from our customers/partners. Our policy also assigns relevant authorities to address our customers/partners’ queries and concerns Chek our Grievance Redressal Policy
Please note that our turnaround time is estimated and the actual time taken can depend on a case-to-case basis. We request you to not escalate your complaint to a higher level before the mentioned turnaround time
Debrief our Chief Business Officer
Disclaimer:Images used are property of their respective Brands/company and here are used for information purpose only. Read/Get all the information/documents carefully before joining or utilizing products/services of Dogma Group. Use your own conscious while taking such decisions. Information/images shown herein are properties of their respective brands/companies and may be different from originals/ Incomplete. For info/T&C please visit www.dogmaindia.com. If further inquiry needed contact us at our head office. T&C Apply. Internal Circulation Only