अपनी दुकान/ऑफिस में Business बढाओ अपने Existing Customers को अतिरिक्त Services प्रदान करके। यदि आप दूकान/ऑफिस, किराना स्टोर, मेडिकल स्टोर, सुपर स्टोर, होटल, रेस्टोरेंट, रिचार्ज मोबाइल शॉप चलाते है व आपके पास Computer+Internet का ज्ञान हैं एंड आप internet का उपयोग व्यापार में जानते है ? तो आज ही DOGMA SOFT LIMITED से जुड़े और अपना व्यापार को बढ़ाये।
We will provide competitive prices and rates for business web site design, development, hosting and maintenance.
Department of development is working towards the design, development and maintenance of websites.
The objectives of the websites are:
Overall design should optimize the identity, accessibility, usability and distribution of content. Thus, the following will be taken into consideration when designing and developing the websites.
Successful Dogma will allow rights to update the website by Event Organizer and will update and maintain as and when asked by the Client. Successful Dogma will maintain the site on contract basis for one year.
Disclaimer:Images used are property of their respective Brands/company and here are used for information purpose only. Read/Get all the information/documents carefully before joining or utilizing products/services of Dogma Group. Use your own conscious while taking such decisions. Information/images shown herein are properties of their respective brands/companies and may be different from originals/ Incomplete. For info/T&C please visit www.dogmaindia.com. If further inquiry needed contact us at our head office. T&C Apply. Internal Circulation Only